Living the Warrior Goddess Way

Befriend Your Fear, Reclaim Your Power, and Remember Your Wisdom

A One-Day Online Event with HeatherAsh Amara

10 FEBRUARY 2024

FROM $1 TO $197 USD


This is my love offering to you; pay any amount from $1 to $197.

The full cost for this one-day workshop is $197; no matter what you pay you are so welcome to join me.

I'm sharing this workshop on a sliding scale because I'm so passionate about this work and how it transforms people's lives.

Together, we'll dive into:

  • How to turn fear into a valuable ally rather than an anchor
  • Why your current struggles are not your fault, and how they are your sacred responsibility
  • How to slow down, stay soft, show up with whatever comes your way
  • How to access and expand your own vital self-healing energy
  • Understand what creativity truly is and how to turn on your power
  • Stop leaking your energy and giving away your magic
  • The wisdom of getting empty to get full
  • Different mindfulness practices for all different types of minds (both neuro-divergent and neuro-normal)
  • How to tap the secret ancestral codes and messages in your bones, muscles, and DNA
  • And more!

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